The Russellville Water & Sewer Board currently operates the H.E. Neal III Water Treatment Plant. The surface water plant is currently rated for 6.0 MGD. Our primary water source is Lake Elliott, a 225 acre lake that we strive to protect. We allow public access with a Russellville Water and Sewer Board issued permit. Gasoline engines are strictly prohibited from usage on Lake Elliott.
The Russellville Water and Sewer Board also utilizes a groundwater source with a 0.28 MGD capacity. This well site is pumping water from the Bangor aquifer. We are very fortunate to have a backup water source to utilize when extreme drought conditions occur. The backup source is Cedar Creek Reservoir, which is composed of 4200 acres of water at full pool. Cedar Creek is a Tennessee Valley Authority reservoir.
The Russellville Water & Sewer Board currently operates the Radford “Joe“ Murray Wastewater Treatment Plant. The average plant design flow is 3.5 MGD. The treatment plant is a mechanical plant that currently utilizes an activated sludge treatment process with ultraviolet light disinfection. We strive to exceed all guidelines and standards to provide a clean and environmentally safe effluent before introduction into the receiving system.
For after hours and Emergencies call the Russellville Police Department at (256) 332-2230